El la herramiento glassnode en indicador FUTURES OPEN INTEREST En Whalemap se evidencia con el perfil de volumen Estos indicadores Muestran en que Zona del precio del BTC es donde las ballenas acumulan y hacen compras, es por esto que cuando el precio cae con fuerza y reposa en una resistencia las ballenas tienen ordenes de compra lista para filearse.
Tambien el Indicador para TRADINGVIEW "Whale Trading System" de NOLDO, en el que se indican dos metricas muy importantes. Dejo el codigo en SCRIP por si cuando se consulte es de pago este indicador
//@version=4 //MIT License //Copyright (c) 2019 user-Noldo //Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy //of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal //in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights //to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell //copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is //furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: //The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all //copies or substantial portions of the Software. //THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR //IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, //FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE //AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER //LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, //OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE //SOFTWARE. study("Whale Trading System",overlay=true) src=close reverse = false lights = input(title="Barcolor I / 0 ? ", options=["ON", "OFF"], defval="OFF") lengthMFI = 52 // You can use variables instead of integer now !! lengthStoch = 52 // You can use variables instead of integer now !! smoothK = lengthMFI/4 // You can use variables instead of integer now !! smoothD = lengthStoch/4 // You can use variables instead of integer now !! OverSold = input(20 , minval = 1 , title = "SRSI Buy") OverBought = input(80 , minval = 1 , title = "SRSI Sell") // Essential Functions // Function Exponential Moving Average f_ema(_src, _length)=> _length_adjusted = _length < 1 ? 1 : _length _multiplier = 2 / (_length_adjusted + 1) _return = 0.00 _return := na(_return[1]) ? _src : ((_src - _return[1]) * _multiplier) + _return[1] // FUNCTION HIGHEST AND LOWEST ( All Efforts goes to RicardoSantos ) f_highest(_src, _length)=> _adjusted_length = _length < 1 ? 1 : _length _value = _src for _i = 0 to (_adjusted_length-1) _value := _src[_i] >= _value ? _src[_i] : _value _return = _value f_lowest(_src, _length)=> _adjusted_length = _length < 1 ? 1 : _length _value = _src for _i = 0 to (_adjusted_length-1) _value := _src[_i] <= _value ? _src[_i] : _value _return = _value // Function Sum f_sum(_src , _length) => _output = 0.00 _length_adjusted = _length < 1 ? 1 : _length for i = 0 to _length_adjusted-1 _output := _output + _src[i] // Money Flow Index (MFI) lower = input(20 , type = input.integer , title = "Oversold") // You can use non integer or mutable variables too !! upper = input(80 , type = input.integer , title = "Overbought") // You can use non integer or mutable variables too !! // MFI upper_s = f_sum(volume * (change(src) <= 0 ? 0 : src), lengthMFI) lower_s = f_sum(volume * (change(src) >= 0 ? 0 : src), lengthMFI) _mfi = rsi(upper_s, lower_s) // Function Stochastic Oscillator f_stoch(_src , _length) => 100 * (_src - f_lowest(f_lowest(_src ,1), _length)) / (f_highest(f_highest(_src , 1), _length) - f_lowest(f_lowest(_src ,1), _length)) // Definition : Variables K3 and D k3 = f_ema(f_stoch(_mfi, lengthStoch), smoothK) d = f_ema(k3, smoothD) positive_condition = k3 > d negative_condition = k3 < d hist = k3 - d // Conditions pos_zone = k3 > d neg_zone = k3 < d pos_moment = crossover(k3,d) neg_moment = crossunder(k3,d) col_bg = pos_moment ? color.teal : neg_moment ? color.maroon : na // Clouds (FILTER ) opthi = f_highest(src , lengthMFI) optlo = f_lowest(src , lengthMFI) optmid = (opthi + optlo) / 2 negcloud = src < optmid and neg_zone poscloud = src > optmid and pos_zone col_zone = pos_zone ? : neg_zone ? : na // Dist Sell sell_con = false hist_down = hist < hist[1] bar_up = (((close[0] - close[1]) / close[1]) * 100) > (0.2) sell_con := (hist_down and bar_up and poscloud) // Dist Buy buy_con = false hist_up = hist > hist[1] bar_down = (((close[0] - close[1]) / close[1]) * 100) < (-0.2) buy_con := (hist_up and bar_down and negcloud) adj_dist = (sell_con ? : buy_con ? : na ) col_columns = (pos_zone and not sell_con ? : pos_zone and sell_con ? : neg_zone and not buy_con ? : neg_zone and buy_con ? : na ) pos_size = hist zero = 0 // Plot data plot(pos_size , style = plot.style_columns, linewidth = 2, color = col_columns , transp = 25,title = "Relativity") bgcolor(col_bg , transp = 70 , title = "Background Color") plot(pos_moment ? zero :na, style=plot.style_cross, color=color.teal , linewidth=4, transp=0 ,title = "Distributional Buy Block") plot(neg_moment ? zero :na, style=plot.style_cross, color=color.maroon, linewidth=4, transp=0 ,title = "Distributional Sell Block") // Barcolor _lights = 0.00 if (lights=="ON") _lights:= 1.00 if (lights=="OFF") _lights:= -1.00 bcolor_on = _lights == 1.00 bcolor_off = _lights == -1.00 barcolor(sell_con and bcolor_on ? buy_con and bcolor_on ? : na ) // Alerts alertcondition(buy_con , title='Distributional Buy' , message='Distributional Buy') alertcondition(sell_con , title='Distributional Sell', message='Distributional Sell') alertcondition(pos_moment , title='Positive area' , message='Long') alertcondition(neg_moment , title='Negative area' , message='Short')
